About this Blog

This blog does not study little ice crystals. Snow is part of my Chinese name and this is a space to record God's faithfulness in me. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Long time no post!

Since I still have a photo of our Christmas tree on the front page of my blog, it is high time I post something new. Lots have happened since the last post but here is a quick update -
  • I became a full-time student in the beginning of the year (yes, shortly after the last post). The past four months were very busy, feeling rather like an intellectual boot camp. But it was wonderful! As of May, I finished my coursework, so now, onto reading for comprehensive exams and dissertation research!
  • Hubby and I celebrated our wedding anniversary and his birthday! 
  • We have a (betta) fish! It was a present from my friends. I have never thought I would have a fish, but it's been fun having him around, and I am very thankful to Hubby for being a huge help in taking care of him. Kitty cat was a bit confused and jealous at first, but having been affirmed that she is still the princess of the household, she is now fine with a fish in the house. :)
  • Within a little over two months, we have a new nephew AND a new niece!!! We are very excited!
  • I still have not figured out how to link my Twitter updates to the blog, although I must admit I have not tried very hard to make it happen either. However, if you are on Twitter, do say hello @RecordingSnow! 
The summer has already been quite busy, but hopefully I will be more diligent about posting in the next few months!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Memories

We had a wonderful Christmas week with family. Here is the list (again in somewhat chronological order). Enjoy!
  • Getting our Christmas tree from a wonderful tree farm (that we heard about not long ago)
  • Finishing Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve (close call!)
  • Making my first ginger bread house alongside my cousin (who also made one)
  • Going to Christmas Eve service at our church (with a full house!)
  • Watching kiddos open their Christmas presents and sharing their joy
  • Receiving one of the best Christmas presents ever from Hubby - donations to some of my favorite organizations
  • Recovering from a cold and some kind of stomach virus (I am still not sure what it was) - being healthy is priceless
  • Watching Tangled (the Rapunzel movie) for the first time with my sister-in-law -- and nephews!
  • Participating in our family reunion (lots of family members). Great food and fun!
  • Youngest nephews joyfully shouting "I love you" before my drive home (~swoon~)!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Memories

As we welcome the new year, it is also a good time to cherish great memories. I am therefore doing a couple of lists of memories (in somewhat chronological order) for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here is the list for Thanksgiving. Enjoy!
  • Getting dinner plates for Thanksgiving. To prepare for the large party coming in town, Hubby and I went to the store and looked at every single available pattern there. We each liked different patterns but eventually settled on this one (with a flower on it! - Thanks, Babe :). It was quite fun and felt like we were doing our wedding registry again! :)
  • Hosting 20 family members (Hubby and I included)! I think it was a record.
  • Making pumpkin bread!
  • Having plenty of food for everyone. I forgot to make mashed potatoes and our microwave stopped working, but in the end, we even had leftovers and we had a back-up microwave so all was well.
  • Taking a nap after Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Getting our fridge covered with kid art. Through his drawing, middle nephew turned kitty cat into a super hero (complete with cape).
  • Getting "shorter" - oldest nephew was officially taller than I was (with oldest niece getting extremely close).
  • Watching nephews play tennis, baseball style (imagine the tennis racket as a baseball bat).
  • Watching the kiddos (youngest nephews included) watch the Barbie cartoon (!).
  • Running the dishwasher eight times in three days.
Wonderful memories. Christmas memories to come. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I have been hoping to make some changes to my blog for quite some time. What better day to do it than today? So I have made two new changes:

The first change is, as you may have noticed, the outlook of my blog. It is quite different from the previous designs. To read any post in its entirety, simply click on the post!

The second change is I am now on Twitter! I would love to connect with you. I have not been successful at adding the twitter feed and the twitter button on the blog, but if you'd like, you can find me @RecordingSnow. Please say hello!

Hope you enjoy the changes, and as always, comments are very welcome. Happy New Year!