The past few weeks have been quite an emotional roller-coaster ride of many ups and downs.
In the beginning of February, we celebrated our anniversary and Hubby's birthday, and we went to his boss's birthday party in the same week.
But a couple of days later, we lost a close friend to cancer. While she is home with the Lord now (and for eternity) without any suffering, it did not take away the sadness of those who had known her and had been blessed by her. She had hosted Hubby and me for Thanksgiving and Christmas; she invited me to her Pampered Chef party when I was still a newlywed and had no idea how to cook; she also altered my bridesmaid's dress because it was too long and I did not know how to do it myself; made donations when I was raising funds for a crisis pregnancy center......Her entire family had "adopted" Hubby, and then me, ever since I met them.
Shortly afterwards, we learned that the baby boy our friends were expecting had been diagnosed with a serious genetic disorder that could require a kidney transplant, and that might even threaten his precious life.
But a few days later, we celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday. Then came Valentine's Day, my sister's birthday, my other friends' son's third birthday, and my other sister-in-law's birthday.
And then came the passing of a friend's friend, and another friend of mine is going through a very difficult time right now for reasons I am not in the liberty to share.
Then there is the ongoing cancer battle my friend's four-year-old grandson is fighting, the financial struggles another friend is going through......
Life is difficult at times, but through these ups and downs, there is always hope and peace that only comes from the Lord. Through everything, I am thankful to have a God who knows all of our thoughts and emotions, who is always ready to rejoice and to comfort.
We are going to another birthday party tomorrow to celebrate life.