About this Blog

This blog does not study little ice crystals. Snow is part of my Chinese name and this is a space to record God's faithfulness in me. Enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2012


It's been a long time since my last post.

Thanks to Spring Break, I had a slower schedule and got a chance to read a few books outside of school, including the following two great books. I had been wanting to read Radical for quite some time and once I finished reading it, I jumped right into Radical Together. I am not a fast reader, but I read both books pretty quickly. I didn't want to put them down.

Have you read one or both of these two books? If so, please share your thoughts! If not, please read them and share your thoughts!


sheridan said...

I've been re-reading Radical. I am only in the first chapter, but it is still a powerful message.

Snow said...

Yes, it is. Let me know what you think after you are finished re-reading it!