About this Blog

This blog does not study little ice crystals. Snow is part of my Chinese name and this is a space to record God's faithfulness in me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shoebox Recap

I hope your new year has been going well! Before the year goes by too quickly, it is time to do some recap - on Operation Christmas Child!

My last update was in October, when we were in the middle of it. There are many great stories to tell, and below are some highlights -
  •  We had a booth at church and many took interest in packing shoeboxes or making individual donations. Many involved their families, friends and Sunday School classes. Almost 1,000 brochures were distributed in six weeks!
  • When a mother-daughter duo dropped off two boxes, they told me that one of them was packed by their non-believer friend who insisted on packing a shoebox for a child!
  • At our packing party, we processed and packed a few dozen boxes (not to mention we had a lot of fun!).
  • Our church middle school kids packed over a hundred shoeboxes in just a couple of weeks!
  • Our church tennis league did a tournament to benefit Operation Christmas Child. In a very short amount of time, we put together the details for the tournament. It was great fun that day and we raised over $600 and collected over 12 packed boxes and many donations that helped pack a few more dozen shoeboxes!
  • Our AWANA kids packed over 40 boxes! 
  • My friend from my Bible study class got her high school students involved and they packed over 60 boxes!
  • At the drop-off location, we were even able to help raise funds for a summer missions trips for college students by dropping off our boxes. For each box they were to collect, a dollar was donated towards the missions trip funds.
I remember a week before collection deadline, as I walked to the booth, I saw piles and piles of packed shoeboxes that had been dropped off. What a sight to behold!

And remember the number 300 (see last update)? Merely a week before collection deadline, we had about half the number. Just as I was wondering how the goal would be reached, it was when the teacher called me to tell me about the 100+ boxes from our middle school kids.

By the end of collection, 379 packed shoeboxes were dropped off and over $1,900 was raised through church and the tennis tournament. It amazes me to look at these numbers!

I am very thankful to everyone who participated in Operation Christmas Child. Because of you, many children around the world got to know someone overseas cared for them, and that God loved them. This was not at all about me setting goals, but I cannot tell you how much I was blessed throughout those few weeks. It was such a privilege and joy to be a part of this, to see God's hand move and to see God's people give generously and willingly.

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