About this Blog

This blog does not study little ice crystals. Snow is part of my Chinese name and this is a space to record God's faithfulness in me. Enjoy!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cat and Mice

While Hanes was hanging out in the living room earlier today, I thought she might be interested in playing. I lined up the mice in front of her, but alas, she was not in the mood to play. She did not even touch the mice. So I left her alone and went about my business upstairs. When I went down to get water in the kitchen later, I saw the following -

Bird's eye view

Side view

Hanes sleeps in this "Garfield pose" sometimes and I always find that funny. But doing so in front of the lined-up mice just cracked me up! She has been teaching me many serious things (see previous posts and more to come); she nonetheless has a lighted-hearted side!


Anonymous said...

Love the mice. She is saying, "I'll play in MY time. Thank you!"

sheridan said...

Yep! That is Garfield! He didn't chase the mice either.

Jane said...

I saw that you entered the STS giveaway and thought I would stop by and say hi. How are things going?

Snow said...

No, she did not chase the mice; but as of this morning, one mouse got turned over. I guess she decided it was time for her to play with one of them. :)

MJM, thanks for stopping by! Thanks for letting me know about the giveway. Hopefully I can win it for my church here! :) Things are well here. I am praying about God's direction and leading. Say hi to everyone at AWP for me!

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's a cat, all right! You can't force her to do anything! Love the pics.

Snow said...

She definitely has her own personality!